click on each offering to learn more
Click on the class name to learn more about each offering.
You can always book a class with us by checking us out on MINDBODY
[ 90+ degrees ]
In this class, the room is heated to 90+ degrees to allow for detoxification of the body. If you like to sweat, this class is for you! Class includes energizing yoga postures linked with breath. We recommend having attended a few yoga classes prior to jumping into this class unless you're up for challenge! Class can move fast at times but we do encourage you to try it!
Intermediate to Advanced
[ 80-85 degrees ]
In this class, the room is heated to 80-85 degrees to encourage a light sweat. The class includes yoga poses and you flow from pose to pose with your breath. The perfect balance of effort and relaxation!
Beginners to Advanced
[ 80-84 degrees ]
Warm Yoga Flow is a Vinyasa style offering and is accessible to any level practitioner
Class will include elements of breath-work, movement and centering practices
Sound Healing instruments (singing bowls, gong, chimes, etc.) will be woven throughout this offering and will help to seal your practice as you are gently guided in an extended Savasana (resting) experience.
Beginners to Advanced
[ 83-86 degrees ]
Yin yoga consists of long-held, passive poses. In Yin yoga, the intention is to stress the tissue, not to stretch the tissue. All tissues in the body need to be stressed to maintain integrity of the body. With muscles relaxed, the emphasis on the pose is transmitted to the connective tissues at the joint sites. This makes Yin a perfect compliment to your regular Vinyasa flow class and to your active pursuits. Intentions for Yin practice could vary from working our joints and connective tissues, to practice mindfulness, or to work the energy body to increase energy flow and remove blockages.
Beginners to Advanced
[ 70-75 degrees ]
This class is appropriate for any level yogi including beginners. Postures can be modified for any fitness level. Class includes yoga postures and breath.
Beginners to Advanced
[ 70-75 degrees ]
A Jivamukti practice that infuses multiple elements of yoga together for your entire well-being. Poses, Breath, Mantra, Light Chanting & Meditation seamlessly blend together in the class to bring the entirety of you into harmony. The physical poses can be challenging yet suitable for all-levels of student. Alignment-cueing and heavy emphasis on breath-work is essential to help guide you deeper into your practice. You will leave this class feeling grounded, joyful and inspired. Enjoy!
Beginners to Advanced
Welcome to our Safe Space Circle - an opportunity for us to gather as individuals and grow as a community.
Our circle is an intentional space for anyone who has the desire to share their story, listen to others and create an environment of support and healing.
Safe Spaces will be facilitated in a confidential way that allows for all attendees to speak the truth of their personal experience, authentically while supportively listening to others as they share their journey.
These offerings will be themed, but the forum is open for any topic that may arise within and needs to be communicated.
A general set of guidelines will apply to every Safe Space Circle to cultivate a healthy environment for everyone. These guidelines will be consistent throughout every meeting and will be shared with the group at the beginning of each meeting to create a baseline of support to work from.
Join us to share your story, listen to others and help create a thriving community of compassion and connection.
Although elements of modern psychotherapy may arise in these sessions - our Safe Space Cirlces are in no way associated with credentialed psychotherapy practices nor will they be facilitated by a licensed psychotherapist (although they may be from time to time). If you are experiencing issues that require professional psychotherapy assistance, please reach out to a licensed therapist as soon as you are able.
[ 70-75 degrees ]
Our guided meditation offerings are suitable whether you want to release stress, feel more relaxed or delve deeper into a longer lasting inner peace and expanded awareness.
Classes begin with light movement and a short dharma talk.
Meditations may include elements of breath work, mindfulness, introspection, contemplation, mantra and music.
These practices are meant to be integrated into your daily routine in order to lead a more balanced life.
The safe space that is created here provides a welcoming, open and encouraging environment that supports your practice and journey into yourself.
Beginners to Advanced
[ 72-76 degrees ]
Kundalini Yoga is a sacred yoga combining meditation, mantra, physical exercises and breathing techniques. Class is taught in the form of a kriya, a sequence of physical actions that work toward a particular outcome to create vitality in the body, balance in the mind, and openness to the spirit. Join us for Kundalini Yoga and set your energy for the day!
Beginners to Advanced
[ 73-76 degrees ]
With a focus on breath, you’ll flow from pose to pose. An excellent approach to slow down as you prepare for rest!
This gentle flow class begins with deep stretching primarily on the mat for the first part of the class as we then we move into a guided meditation suitable to release stress, deepen relaxation and explore into a realm of longer lasting inner peace and calm.
Meditations will vary and may include elements of breath work, mindfulness, introspection, contemplation, mantra and music. This class is meant to introduce you to the world of meditation and yoga.
All levels
[ 73-76 degrees ]
This 90-minute Jivamukti Yoga Flow is a dynamic, beautifully sequenced, musically accompanied vinyasa-style class that is infused with breath awareness, physical postures and study of ancient texts and philosophy (dharma talk).
This session will be invigorating - building both strength and flexibility. It is a fully balanced class which includes a warm-up, chanting, intention setting, surya namaskar (sun salutations), standing poses, backbends, forward bends, twists, inversions, meditation and final relaxation.
Special attention will be given to the Jivamukti signature back bending and balancing class sequences.
Intermediate to Advanced
Please wear comfortable clothing
Bring a mat and a friend
Public props will be available for use
Maria Puma Perme
This offering shares a combination of gentle stretching, restorative poses + Yoga Nidra to provide a total reset for your central nervous system.
You will be supported with conscious breathing, the use of props, candlelight, calming music, + aromatherapy while you release into total relaxation.
Yoga Nidra is a special relaxation technique that has a deep effect on the body, mind, and spirit.
This class is open to ALL - no previous experience necessary