Our Journey
Begins with YOU
We love yoga
We love people
We love our community
It is these simple, yet powerful, values that drove us to create Cultivate Yoga, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization on a mission to serve the underserved and discover the undiscovered yogi within us all
We exist to provide yoga and other wellness services to EVERYONE in the community, regardless of social status, physical ability or financial standing
This is why ALL of our services are gift-based and are ultimately FREE-if-you-need-them-to-be
In 2020 we opened our yoga home, Cultivate Yoga Avon and in 2021 we transitioned the studio to offer all gift-based classes to our community
In 2023 we will be opening our second yoga home, Cultivate Yoga Lakewood which will also provide gift-based yoga to this new community
Donations made to Cultivate Yoga not only support our mission to get out into the community, they also help those of us in our community who are experiencing financial hardship come practice with us for FREE
We believe that the practice of yoga is extremely personal and unique to each and every individual. We all arrive to our mat with our own challenges and struggles
Cultivate Yoga not only wants to help underserved populations find their way to their mat, we exist to teach people to accept their truth and empower them to grow, live and love with all of their heart
We exist to strengthen our community: one practice at a time, one individual at a time, one breath at a time
When we empower ourselves, we connect and breathe life into our entire community