150 ACTIVE Cultivate Warriors at any given time
WHAT is this metric?
Active Cultivate Warriors is a progressive and additive metric, meaning it does not reset each month or each year. Our Cultivate Warriors are individuals who choose to donate $100 or more to the organization on a recurring basis and as new Warriors join, we add them to the overall total.
WHEN is this metric calculated?
We calculate Active Cultivate Warriors throughout each month (as they join) and report the collective total at the beginning of the subsequent month.
HOW is this metric calculated?
When a new Cultivate Warrior signs up for a monthly giving membership, we add them to our progressive tally of Active Cultivate Warriors.
WHY do we track this metric?
Our monthly giving membership (Cultivate Warrior) program has become paramount to our success as an organization. As our expenses continue to rise with increases in rent/utilities and intentionally strong teacher pay, it is increasingly important to know that we have expected recurring revenue to help cover the costs of operating our studios. If the total amount of donations received from our Cultivate Warriors can meet or exceed the amount needed to pay the majority of our expenses, we can serve even more individuals who may not be able to donate back to the organization - expanding our reach and living our mission!
WHO can help us reach our goal?
Everyone is a potential Cultivate Warrior - not only our students/clients!
Anyone can signup to give back to Cultivate in this very special way if they believe in our mission and are in a financial position to do so. A Cultivate Warrior is usually someone who does practice with us quite a bit and who is passionate about our mission but it can also be someone with a big heart who wants to support yoga for others in their community.